It is a keyword in the career path of all our collaborators. Training and updating, in fact, are a constant in Proel’s commitment to everyone, in line with the value we attribute to technology as a strategic resource for our actions.

Not only that: research projects are active in collaboration with the Universities of Teramo and Ancona for the continuous monitoring of management processes, digitization and business models.


Health and nutrition are an inseparable combination. Our company canteen uses only carefully selected organic products to provide all our collaborators and guests with the best nutritional food.  


Music is an extraordinary tool for training and for building paths of self-determination and relationship. We support long distance adoption projects in the Brazilian favelas of Belo Horizonte, but our commitment and our involvement are growing with the creation of a music school in the Primero de Majo favela.

Schermata 2021-12-01 alle 11.26.38
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Schermata 2021-12-01 alle 11.26.57
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